Reborn 再生人


Reborn is a horror/thriller film produced by Multimedia (HK) Production Limited, set for release in both Hong Kong and China.

Movie Synopsis:

Xuecheng, a young wife and mother, devoted her youth to her family, tightly controlling her son Yun Zai's life to protect him. Misled by online misinformation, she refused her husband Haoming's pleas to seek medical treatment for their sick son, leading to Yun Zai's tragic death. Consumed by guilt, Xuecheng descended into madness, caring for a rag doll as if it were her lost child. Haoming, fully aware of the reality, chose to support his delusional wife and her "son."

As the story reaches its climax, mounting judgment from others and Haoming's repressed emotions erupt. In a desperate attempt to bring Xuecheng back to reality, Haoming himself begins to hallucinate.